24 · 25 apr 2024 — Aljezur
E SE FIZÉSSEMOS TUDO OUTRA VEZ is about democracy and its importance in everyone's lives. Let's sing, dance, and be—to be with those who come to see us and to meet them.
This is a 24-hour performance divided into three parts: "Jantar Revolucionário", "Palavras e Pensamentos Revolucionários", and "Festa Revolucionária" ("Assembleia Popular Revolucionária" and "Danças e Músicas Revolucionárias").
This is an unforgettable opportunity to think about how societies must once again unite around collective life—a life of sincere sharing and care for the earth, plant life, the sea, and everyone, animals and humans alike—and that, with wisdom, they will also know, when the time is right, to welcome the end of things.
/Creation Madalena Victorino and Giacomo Scalisi in co-creation Sandro William Junqueira (original text)
/Theatre António Fonseca and Sofia Marques
/Dance Carolina Sendim, Francisca Poças and Pedro Matias
/Theatre & Dance Paulo Mota
/Original music Pedro Salvador and Johannes Krieger in a special collaboration with the Banda Filarmónica dos Bombeiros Voluntários de Aljezur conducted by the maestro Ricardo Pires
/Musicians Aolan Meng, João Manso, Lian Givon, Mariana Guimarães e Sérgio de Araújo
/With the participation of Albina Petrolati, Ana Gaspar, Ana Mendes, Aolan Meng, Ana Sebastião, Axel Berendonk, Basanti Galili, Bruno Weber, Cláudia Campos, Elvis, Fernando Lobo, Gera Capitain-Berendonk, Gil Lobo, Giulia Cruz, Hugo Dunkel, Joana Froes, Joana Júdice, Lídia Pinto e Yanni Koratjitis; Alunos EB 1,2,3 de Aljezur (Aisha dos Santos, Edna Miguel, Emma Kogler, Eva Amaral, Flávio Correia, Flor Dias, Francisca Valente, Lotta Monch, Luana Nunes, Sofia Correia, Suri Gorjão e Thaísa Almeida); Adufeiras de Aljezur (Alessandra Peviani, Ana Costa, Debora Lyra, Fanny Russaquen Martins, Mariana Beja e Maria Rute Costa); Coro da Gente conducted by maestro André Duarte, Senhores e Senhoras do Lar da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Aljezur and Coro do Grupo Desportivo Odeceixense conducted by maestro Matheus Garcia Dutra
/Light design and technical direction Joaquim Madaíl
/Technical Rui Barbosa and Rui Batista
/Trainees Catarina Ferraz and Sara Durbeck
/Thanks to Maria Teresa Galo Louro (performance photo), Burros & Artes, Grupo Desportivo Odeceixense, Antiga Escola do Carrascalinho
/Special thanks to Ernesto Silva, João Lázaro Costa, José Maria “Calixto”, Maria Emília Campos Chaparro Rosende, José Marreiros, Álvaro Mendes, Tenente-Coronel António Novais Henriques
/Production Lavrar o Mar
Aljezur Town Council funds E SE FIZÉSSEMOS TUDO OUTRA VEZ and is part of the programme of commemorations of the 50th anniversary of 25 April promoted by the municipality.